De Federatie is an co-operation of local associations from Philips pensioners in the Netherlands.
It was founded in 1978. Until than there only existed associations from Philips pensioners in and around the locations where Philips had operations in the Netherlands. These associations were independent and focused on social activities amongst former colleagues. In 1975 Philips had 78 sites in the Netherlands.
The Philips Pension Fund was founded in 1913 as the owners, the Philips Family, saw this as a social obligation to its co-workers. Over time this system was copied by many other companies also because it became a favorable fringe benefit to attract co-workers. After world war two the Dutch social system was adopted in such a way that a minimum pension for everyone living in the Netherlands became available (AOW). Next to that the company pension plans became a source of income on-top of this AOW standard pension and were regulated by the Dutch Pension and Tax laws. Due to ever more complex discussions on pension plans s in a more competitive business environment, the company needed an united the voice of the pensioners, next to that of the unions, the government and the pension fund itself, now a separate legal entity (Trust). At the same time the pensioners also felt the need to unite in order to be able to better take care of their material interests. So De Federatie van Verenigingen van Philips Gepensioneerden, short De Federatie, was founded with support of the company.
To goals of De Federatie as laid down in its articles of regulation are:
- Take care of the material and non-material interests from the members of the associations united in De Federatie.
- Support the co-operation between the local associations of Philips pensioners.
These goals are still the main objectives. At the start more than 40 associations voluntarily joint De Federatie. As the local associations took care of the social activities of their members, De Federatie became more and more the united voice from the pensioners with regards to the hard core of the pension plan, regulations, income, yearly indexation and so on. Today it still holds this position as main representative from the pensioners in discussions with the Philips Pension Fund next to the unions and the company officers. The pensioners interests are cared for by:
- The nomination of competent people in the Board of Trustees of the Philips Pension Fund and the Verantwoordingsorgaan (Accountability Body) to represent the pensioners.
- Regular meetings between de President and delegation from the De Federatie and the Chair of the board from the Philips Pension Fund . In these meetings current and future issues and policies are discussed regarding the fund.
- Influencing the Dutch regulations for pensioners is done by the active membership of the "Koepel Gepensioneerden" ( Former KVNG/NVOG) a body of over 300,000 direct members, representing indirectly over 3.3 Million pensioners in the Netherlands. This body is in direct contact with the Dutch government and politics in order to represent the interests of senior people with regard to laws and regulations on income ( Pension), mobility and medical care.
De Federatie has over time built the experience to represent your interests in an optimal but critical way and moreover, established a credible position in the Philips Pension Fund to do so.
Over the last 15 years Philips withdrew from many activities in the Netherlands. This lead to a decline from the number of local associations of Philips pensioners. Next to that, in the locations were Philips activities were acquired by third parties, new pensioners became member of other pension funds. All of this lead to a decline of active members of the Philips Pension Fund represented by De Federatie.
To stay active and represent a bigger number of direct Philips Pensioners, in order to remain an important partner for the Philips Pension Fund, the LBPG ( Landelijke Belangenvereniging Philips Gepensioneerden) was founded in 2016. The members of this association are mainly interested in the way their material interests are cared for at the Philips Pension Fund and in the Dutch social system, but not focused at social activities with former colleagues. They are former co-workers from Philips and/or Signify in the Netherlands or holders of a premium free pension policy that was built up in the past before they went into retirement working for another employer or being self-employed. The association counts today 1873 members and is growing. The communication with the members is predominantly digital. Once per year they are invited to attend the annual meeting in what the policy is set out and formed. Members are encouraged to express their views and take part in commissions to help solving specific policy topics.
De Federatie is an organization of volunteers. So we need your support to be able to carry on with the work we do. Since only associations can become member of the De Federatie, as individual you can support us to join the LBPG, see . In case you live in the Netherlands you it might be interesting to join a Vereniging van Philips Gepensioneerden in the area where you live, or in any other case simply become a donor ( begunstiger) of De Federatie, see .